Saturday, October 9, 2010

"Texas Chainsaw Massacre" Review

"Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is very much like "My Father's Bride" in that the characters appear to hate one another, but actually would like to kill one another... with chainsaws. "My Father's Bride" is infinitely superior in terms of character development and its lack of plot holes, but "The Texas Massacres" is much more violent. MUCH more violent. I have to say, having seen the first few "My Father's Bride" films did not prepare me for the chase scene through the laundry lines and the cornfield. I really don't understand why everyone needed to die, rather than just get married, like wonderful white people do. But on the sheer surprise / shock level, FIVE STARS!!!!!! I would recommend this film to any "My Father's Bride" fan, who also loves to watch people die vicious, merciless deaths

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